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What our students say

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ASL Certificate Program

Students & Teachers of MVU High School

"I was surprised how quickly we were able to communicate in ASL!" - Sarah, Foreign Language Teacher


YMCA of Greater Burlington, Youth Enrichment

Katelyn Irwin, Director

"We have received positive feedback from the kids, their parents and staff who work directly with the ASL teachers. The services provided by ASLTI are professional, educational, and fun! I would absolutely recommend their services to anyone interested in learning ASL."


Foreign Language Credit Program

High School Student

This course taught me so much! I loved it!


Enosburgh Community Recreation

Ivonne Kio, Director

"These classes improved my overall understanding of sign language. What I liked most is the friendly atmosphere and learning together and being able to sign with others in the group class." - Karen J.

“I loved the games and conversations during the class- it really forced me to shift gears and immerse myself in sign language!” - Lindsey W.

Happy Young Girls

Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains

Girl Scouts Representative

The ASL Team delivered a fun demonstration for the girl scouts of Vermont and New Hampshire! It was a great learning experience that brought awareness to Deaf language and culture.

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Burlington Kids Afterschool Program

Rose Wall, Director

"The ASL classes were amazing! There were great visuals and the teachers were always working as a team to help the kids understand the signs. This program has been so beneficial for my students."


ASL Camp Days

Camp Participants

"My favorite thing about Sign Language Camp was the immersive experience. I learned SO MUCH and I was able to really communicate with the Deaf!"


"I enjoyed learning sign language at camp. Being able to sign was the best part!"

- Matthew, 16

"Even though we were learning, we had a lot of fun!"

-Izaiah, 8


ASL Immersion - North Hero Elementary 

Joe Restighini, Principal

When you say 'innovation' most people automatically think of technology. But I see this [ASL] as innovation. Learning valuable skills that we will carry into our futures.

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LEAPS Program - on-site and online

Heather Moore, Director

Learning sign language is so much fun! -Students

Other Institutions that Learn with us

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ASL|Training institute


Headquartered in St. Albans, VT


Contact: email is our preferred mode of communication. 

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© 2024 by ASLTI

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